Sunday, September 11, 2011

On this day...

Ten years ago the United States of America was struck by terrorists attacks. The World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and Flight which was headed for the White House all meet a horrible end as people seeking to destroy our country attacked symbols of our wealth and power.
After the attacks the nation collected itself and rallied together to face off against those that sought to destroy us. Everyone who can remember that day will always remember what they were doing. It is hard to believe that ten years ago I was in the 7th grade and getting ready for school when the first tower was hit. My dad was watching the news as usual but I didn't really pay attention. It wasn't until I was already at school when I realized that something major had occurred.
That entire day was spent watching the news. Now the content probably wasn't appropriate for middle schoolers but everyone was too shocked to take their eyes off the screen. One of my teachers waited anxiously for a call from family in New York, unsure if everyone was okay. Another cried as she told us that what we were watching was real and not in some distant land.
September 11, 2001 was the first time I understood that our country was not indestructible, that we were capable of being wounded on our own soil and not some foreign war. I imagined that we could understand how those who were alive during Pearl Harbor felt. I felt empathy and sympathy for the first time in my short life.  I was just about to turn 11 and was forced to try and understand why something like this would happen to anyone. My birthday that year was themed with Red, White, and Blue. I just remember thinking that it felt wrong to celebrate when so many wouldn't be able to.  It had been a rough year as well since my grandfather haf just died, but what got me to get the confusion was an overwhelming gratitude for still being alive.
Yes we were attacked and yes our country has been scarred and terrorized, but we could do all we can to remain alive and to never forget that day. Not just what we were doing, but to remeber who and what we lost. My heart goes out to all those who were and affected by the events of that day. I pray that they can find peace and comfort and an appreciation for the life they have. Let us all do our part to draw together as a country and to show the world that we have learned and grown from that experience.

Remember and Never Forget.

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