Saturday, March 12, 2011

Contagiously Awesome.

I talked to Jaren today. It was two nice conversations of catching up and just chit chatting. We even got our spanish on. It is so weird because I remember way back when I knew more spanish than he did, but now I am the one who needs a dictionary!!!! It is amazing how easy our conversations went and not awkward they were. I thought maybe there would be some but not at all! As it turns out he did write me back while in Mexico! I just didn't get the letters! Wow and to think that I stopped writing a whole lot because I thought he didn't want to hear from me. Pfft well consider that lesson learned.....a little too late, but that is okay!

Miracle League training is tomorrow and I am so completely excited! I missed last season and I was very sad, but now that I can participate this season I am very happy! Miracle League is such a great organization to be a part of and it is a great way to spend Saturday mornings! Miracle League is a Baseball program that allows people with disabilities (whether mental or physical) to play baseball. The field is this special turf that allows those with wheelchairs or other mobility devices to move around with ease. Everyone on a team gets to hit the play whether on a tee or pitched too and everyone gets to run home! Every team wins. It is so great. Buddies (that's me!) help the players with the game, either protecting them from the ball if it might hit the player or helping them to swing or even helping them to run to the bases. I usually have ended up with players that like to move around a whole lot so I am constantly running and playing with them. One of the players even proposed to me! hahaha it is always so much fun and everyone is always smiling and enjoying the game. The hot dogs are pretty good too. :)

This Sunday I don't have to work so guess where I am going?! CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Can you tell I am pumped? I have been studying Preach My Gospel and have been working on praying more. It totally has helped me out a whole lot. I can feel Heavenly Father's influence in my life and I can see the small daily miracles that are right before my eyes. I am so grateful for this gospel and I know that awhile back I was questioning and actually considerng leaving, but I am so glad that I didn't!!!!!!!! I am striving to live better and to be a better person. It is so not as easy as it sounds and I can guarantee that I will most likely fail at times, but I know that with persistence I will soon be back on track! HUZZAH!

So on the way to work today I was driving by the softball fields when I see this familiar car driving towards me and as I got closer I realized that it was Robert. So imagine me waving like a dork with this ridiculous looking face on and you pretty much can see why he caught the bug and did the same thing. Yes I know. I am contagiously awesome.

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