Saturday, March 12, 2011

Slim in 6...maybe

So I've had some recent inspiration to lose the weight I have gained and to get into shape. It really is a personal choice, but also having a more active lifestyle and going out into public more has made me realize just how much I let myself go. I have gained 30 lbs in four years.That is almost ten lbs a year! GAH! So Today marks the day of change. I have said goodbye to all that was holding me back as far as eating and drinking goes. That means I can no longer have any late night Maverik runs with Barbara or if I go out with people I can't eat too much bad food. So if I go and have Pizza Hut or something that means I gotta do some extra work to make sure I am not set back too much.

My workout routine will be based off of the Slim in 6 series by Debbie Siebers. It will be hard, but worth it. It is two weeks on the "Start it up" and than two on the "Ramp it up" and than the last two weeks on the "Burn it up" I am thinking of doing a pyramid thing where once I finish the two burn it up weeks I am going to do two more weeks of ramp it up and than move down to two more weeks of start it up. Every Other day I am going to be doing the Slim in 6 pack routine and than on days I don't do that I am going to be doing Yoga Dance Fusion with Patricia Moreno. What I can tell you is that I am going to be SORE SORE SORE but it will be totally worth it!

Today I am starting some stretching and than the first "Start it up" day and than doing the 6 pack routine. I have done both before and let me tell you that I want to punch Debbie by the end of it, but at the same time I know I got a good workout. It is some light cardio and strength training. The moves make you use muscles you didn't even know you had! And the best part is that it is simple moves that can be done anywhere! I know that the few times that I have done it (inconsistently) that I have lost a lb or two during the workout itself. I would suggest wearing shoes though because with the resistance band it can hurt bare feet, but other than that you aren't being too hard on your knees or joints which is great for me since I have to be careful with my knees.

I am also going to be walking more and slowly but surely working my way up to running. I know that by balancing my working out with a healthy diet I will lose the weight the right way and I won't risk my health by going crazy with it! I weight 195 lbs right now. It doesn't really look like it, but that is because I hide it pretty well. I carry my weight in my stomach area, thighs, and it is slowly creeping into my face. My main goal is to get into the healthy weight range of 145 to 150 lbs. The lowest I should weigh is 125, but I would rather be on the safer side. 140 is the lowest I want to go. I am not looking to be super skinny. I just want to get into shape and not have knee problems because there is too much weight or pressure on them. Also my emotional health will increase by doing this. Let's just hope that I don't die from lack of soda!

But hey what doesn't kill us makes us hotter right?

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