Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dreaming Dreaming Dreaming...

I keep dreaming of him...and him coming home...which is the part that has me worried. I really want to see him again, but that would be really kind of a sad thing. I have realized that I still have a lot of feelings for him, and that I keep trying to find what I had with him, but I really just can't. I am not really going to find it again, what we had was intense and beautiful and just....perfect in every way imaginable. It still is, he still felt that way before he left and I certainly did. Our attraction was electrifying and we had to hold back soo much because if we didn't it would have gone far. No one really knows what it was like with him because we kept our relationship between us. We constantly talked via text, phone, e-mail, facebook, and in person. Most people didn't see us talking a lot when we were out together, but when we were alone is when we talked and shared and discussed our future. We even wrote letters to each other and we shared everything. No one knows how it was with us, which is probably why no one knows why I still love him. He took me places and shared with me his goals and opened up to me when he didn't open up to anyone else. Being with him made me feel good about myself for the first time, he showed me that I AM worth it and am especially worth it for him.

I don't know what is going to happen, but I am certainly not going to give up on what I know is right.

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