Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ice Skating!

So I went ice skating with the group last night and I am so happy that I only fell three times! One of those times Jason knocked me down because he fell on top of kenny and I when we were taking group pictures. The other two times I wasn't even moving and I fell on nothing, but the guys did a good job trying to help me up....see i slipped the first time and BAM than they were helping me up and my feet would not work so I went slipping and sliding. Finally I got my footing. Gee whiz was it crazy! I went and had to change my skates because the blasted toe pick on the fiure skating skates was impeding my already sketchy ability to skate. That ice needed a mssive Zamboni make-over before we started skating, but noooooo they of course brought it out when we were leaving! Iceburg food is way amazing good!!!!!! On the way home my whole car was hyper and we started talking but nothing dirty just we were. I don't even remember what was said actually. I was on a massive caffeine high.

I am looking forward to tonight. I am talking to him again....talked to him yesterday and he had to get to bed...being it was 2 am his time and he needed sleep, but we kept talking and not getting off. He actually wants to keep talking to me! We have so many different things in common and the conversation is always interesting and fun.

I need to somehow get to Provo and get my package from Glennwood and stuff. I also need to talk to them about my apartment contract getting sold and everything.


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