Friday, January 8, 2010

Utter Rejection...

...But I am not bitter or anything. There are plenty of others out there who would treat me right and give as much I give. It would be a working relationship. Both sides get paid you know?


Job hunting sucks. The rejection I am talking about is the rejection I got for the front desk position at the adoption agency. Yeah basically it is my lack of experience....POO! How on earth am I supposed to get a job when I don't have any experience and for that matter how am I supposed to gain experience if no one will hire?! AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note though I have been enjoying many interesting conversations with my friends lately. One of which was with Barbara and she and I were discussing our lives without the gospel, like where we would be and how we would most likely act. Oddly enough we both came to the conclusion that we would be sluts....and have drinking problems. Slutty Alcoholics! WOOT WOOT! Naturally we aren'tlike that now, but oddly enough we wonder sometimes. It was funny that we both were kind of timid talking about it until we realized that we think the same way, so after that the conversation got...uh...saucy?

I don't know if I have ever really stated it out loud but I have realized that I want love. I want to be getting married and having a family. I don't know what it is, but I realized I am turning 21 this year and idk omething has just kinda started up in me...I think I finally got the drive that every other YSA has got in the church.


I am doomed!

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