Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Dreamed A Dream...

I dreamed a dream last night that wasn't the usual confused mess of my dreams. Usually when a dream is clear and real for me it means I need to pay attention. The first time I had a dream like this I was in the 9th grade and living in California. My dream was I was in this cafeteria of a school I didn't recognize with maroon and silver flags and a painting of a man on the wall. I looked down and noticed I had a test for a P.E. class and I remembered the answers A, B, B, C, A, E and I looked around and at my table these girls were asking me if I knew the answers to question number 2. I was confused because they knew me but I didn't know them and at the high school I was at I wasn't in a P.E. class....well a few months later my dad and his second wife split up and I was living with my mom. I had to take a P.E. class and I arrived around the time of the semester finals....imagine my surprise when the dream happened! The same answers on the test and the same scenario had played out.

The second time it has happened is when Colton came home. A few weeks before he did I had a dream where he came home and was this broken person, and that he really needed me. Surprise Surprise he came home, but I don't think he really needed me, but heck he sure was broken.

Well LAST NIGHT I had the Strangest most real dream I have ever had. Now granted there were other things that I am worried about that occurred (like my youngest sister in the hospital for a head injury that was severe, and my other sister breaking her leg but falling for this really hot guy who also broke his leg) anyways the part that really got to me was the part that starred Elder Jaren Gates. Now he and I have a history together....we kept most of our relationship between us and most people don't know what went on, but anyways I dreamt we were all sitting around in the grass at a park (One that our gang usually frequents) and he came walking up out of nowhere in a suit and tie with his nametag still on. I was super surprised and couldn't breathe and everyone else had no idea what to do. He handed me all the letters I have written him and thanked me for writing, that I didn't know how much he enjoyed hearing from me. Than everyone was passing around these assigned letters from him and when I got mine I started crying. Now I won't say what he wrote, but let me tell you the writing was an exact copy of his handwriting and things he said were things we had talked about and others things he never said. It was odd because everyone started reading theirs and when it was my turn (I was number 8) I just smiled at him and he smiled back his goofy grin. Suddenly I was whisked away onto this boat in the middle of the ocean and there he was dressed in White and I looked down and I was in white too. He came up to me and said "I didn't think you would ever come here. I have been waiting." I just looked at him and he came up to me and hugged me. He looked at me and said, "Remember how we said we would meet here in our dreams? I come every night hoping you will be here." Oddly enough that WAS the first time I did go to the boat. We would tell each other we would meet there in our dreams all the time. He did several time tell me he had gone but I didn't show up. Than suddenly we were in this locker room of sorts and everyone we knew was there and he made them all shush then he took my hands and got down on one knee and proposed!

Needless to say I woke up Crying and Smiling. I don't know what to make of this dream at all. I don't hear from him, but I still write at least once a month. Maybe I am finally going crazy hahaha. Oh well it was a good dream though...a little too real for my taste. I mean I could feel him and smell him and see him as if he was actually there. OI!

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