Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oh For Crying Out Loud

I met, what was basically my soul mate, at the New Year's Dance in St. George and sadly all I have is his first name....and what a first name. John....pretty much it is as awesome as it gets. IDK what it is or was but pretty much it was pretty amazing meeting him and getting to know him. I will never get to see him again if luck is bad this turn around. *Sigh*

The job hunt is still on although I have some interesting prospects that are appearing...such as an interview on Thursday for a Front Office Position at an adoption agency....that would be fun. I went to St. George con the mother unit and met with what is probably the coolest Nurse Practioner EVER and I got some meds that we are going to try out. Turns out that I might have some kind of mood disorder....or the depression is just really that bad that it is causing me to go all wonky with me emotions. I personally am rooting for mood disorder. That way when I get snippy or something I can say "Sorry I forgot to take my mood stabilizers today"

Free range to be rude basically.....JUST KIDDING!

Anyways I am starting cognitive therapy next week which will prove interesting. I really enjoyed Brad, my meds guy, he is a member and he was supportive and super nice to me and he was encouraging and idk what it was but I just felt better after talking with him. He gave me some medicine to help me sleep at night since my mind doesn't always want to go meemees and won't shut up. Hopefully the anti-depressants work, because I really want to get on with my life and live it. I just started today so I know it might be a week or two before anyone notices any changes. I managed to wake up today at a decent hour...okay so it was 10:30 but still compared to 2:30 pm or later that is pretty early. I got a shower in and a few job applications as well as a round of dishes AND I made myself some grits with eggs (note to self need more eggs) and drank a huge cup of water and took the required pills and such. Productive so far and it is only 4:09 pm! I still have to write some letters as well as somehow manage to go to Institue (maybe not this week quite yet) and whatever else that pops up!

Life has been good lately. I got to see Kami and we talked and I got to church on Sunday and bore my testimony twice and participated during relief society. I played soccer and ultimate on saturday where somehow only Kenny and I managed to come away all bruised up but apparently others are sore so there is some justice in the world!

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