Friday, October 9, 2009

I Feel Invisible

I didn't notice really until I started to reflect upon my current home life. When in ward activities or anywhere at the apartment I have noticed I am there, but I feel like a ghost. People can see me but interactions are not there. I know that this is probably some figment of my imagination, but really I feel like I am missing something in my life. I crave being around friends and people. I mean I LOVE going to work even though I have to deal with stupid phone calls, but I go because there are people there who understand what I am going through at work.
I have three other roommates and I have yet to really connect with any of them. They are all great girls but we all just....well we live our seperate lives while living in the same place. Like different being from different worlds sharing a place where our worlds collide on some plane that we just have yet to notice. It is hard to see the other apartments where they are always laughing and having fun and making meals together or going and doing thins together and than there is our apartment...we have never not once done a single thing together. Oh yes we may happen to be in a room at the same time, but that doesn't mean we are doing anything together. The other night I helped one of my roommates when she was sick and puking her guts out all over the place and when I went to bed that night after making sure she was taken care of I realized that when I had been ill for two weeks not to long ago not once did they offer to help me. They would ask if I was okay, but nothing else. I try to invite them to do things but they always have some other excuse not to go. They really are great girls, I just feel invisible at home.

Also what is with everyone getting married or getting pregnant??? I mean seriously am I the only one who is not currently on the pursuit of a different avenue? Okay I know I am not the only one, but am I the only one who wishes she was caught up in some romance of sorts instead of merely trudging through life planning alternative actions because she knows romance is not something that is going to be coming to her anytime soon?

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