Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A whole lot less of me

I am starting a diet...before you say anything to the tune of "but you don't need to" listen up! I do need to lose weight. The doctor and I got to talking and we think that if I lose some weight I could end up not having to be on medication for depression for the rest of my life. Now let me tell you that a life without having to daily take pills is something that I am willing to try anything for. So this next week I will be starting my journey of weight loss on a strict diet and taking drops 6 times a day that help with my metabolism as well as some other complicated things that are hard to describe. It is anticipated that I will be losing possibly more than 20 pounds which will be amazing since I haven't been that weight since forever.
I am looking forward to it and have been given the okay to go ahead with the diet. If any of you happen to be around me during said diet I will apologize ahead of time if I am crabby....I am denying myself all that I love in food for close to two months so please understand that I will of course look upon you with bitterness and resentment if you offer anything that is on the "blacklist".
Wish me luck!

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