Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Mercenary, The Hero,and The Orb

*This is a story i am currently working on. I will randomly post excerpts every now and then as the stoy grows.*

The Mercenary stood alone on the hill looking down upon the humble homestead placed at the entrance of a mountain gorge. To the unknowing eye the simple homestead looked as if it had been placed there quite on accident, but to the mercenary it was a strategic placement and an impressive hurdle in reaching an elusive enemy. Settling down into a semi-comfortable position the mercenary prepared for another hard night outdoors. It was not a wise move on her part and she despised sleeping out in the open, but now was not the time to be moving around. The wind had picked up significantly as the sun began to set and with the sun gone all the night creatures of the region would be out looking for a meal. She would be lucky if she went unnoticed at all. Just as she sat pondering the sorts of creatures she would spend the night fighting off, as well as the chill of the wind, a light began to glow brighter and brighter in front of her. Before the mercenary could notice, the light compounded into a singular glowing orb almost invisible to the naked eye.
"You really should be much further along the trail don't you think?" With a shriek unbecoming of one with her training the mercenary jumped up and drew her sword.
"Who goes there and what do you want? Tread carefully for your next words may very well be your last!" As she looked around with her senses, her eyes finally rested upon the spot were the orb was trying very hard to become transparent. It wasn't the most ideal errand to be sent on and as far as orbs go this one was just like the others in their dislike for mercenaries. Orbs prefered those with magic, and held little respect for anyone but their masters. "Speak Orb, for I know you and I both know we wouldn't be talking unless you were sent." This particular mercenary frightened many Orbs in general, but the Orb knew she wouldn't hurt him so he felt free to show his contempt.
"My master sent me to you to ask what was taking you so long. I would think one with your reputation would have caught it by now." Yes he was pleased with the reaction he had gotten out of her, but what he hadn't counted on was her suddenly cutting through him with her sword.
"I take it she hasn't captured her prey just yet." At first the Orb was confused at hearing his master's voice, but as his Awareness slowly came back to him, he realized that that blasted woman had actually done him a favor and unintentionally sent him home.
"I found her huddling into herself at the top of the hill overlooking the Gorge of Ages. She didn't seem too pleased to see the entrance." He didn't continue to tell his Master about the house he had seen, for he knew that bit of news would be most displeasing.
"And why did she not go on through? Surely she is not afraid of the stories." The Orb bounced up and down in anticipation, it was hard not to answer a direct question let alone think about lying. "Answer me Orb! Why has she stopped?!"
"Well Master I would assume it has something to do with the house that is placed at the entrance." He quickly had to duck out of the way as the Master had thrown the ledger he had been holding.
"THERE IS A HOUSE AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE GORGE OF AGES?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?" Pacing back and forth, the Master began to murmur words under his breathe that made the Orb feel highly uncomfortable.
"Master perhaps you should sit down and think about this before you do anything rash." Immediately he regretted drawing attention to himself, the Master turned slowly towards the Orb and pointed directly at him.
"You my most trusted Orb are to go with our mercenary friend and you are to stay with her until she completes her task. You are to report to me daily on your travels. Doy ou understand me?"
"But Master I can't be with that, that, woman! She ran me through not but a few moments ago, and you of all people should know how she hates anything to do with magic! I refuse to go." The Orb had managed to maintain his certainty until his last refusal. No Orb had ever outright refused the Master, and they both knew it. The Master began to walk towards to Orb with a meaningful look in his eye.
"You are going and you will be doing as I said or else I will Dismantle you and feed you to the Nagus." With that the Orb promptly vanished from the chamber and appeared before the mercenary where he had left her, but this time she was not alone.
"So this is the little bugger that was giving you trouble! Why Narissa you would think an Orb would be easy for you to handle." The Orb suddenly dropped two feet in the air at hearing the mercenary's name. No one knew what it was and for years he speculated that she liked to keep it that way. "Now tell me Orb, what are you doing back here? Surely you didn't come to torture poor Narissa again." After gaining some composure the Orb yet again dropped in shock a who was addressing him. It was Conaire, the hero! What would a hero be doing sitting around a campfire with a mercenary? The Orb voiced as much and to his dismay it was made known to him of their friendship.
"Look at him Con! The poor thing can hardly believe his Awareness!" Narissa let out a laugh at the sight of the Orb hanging in mid air looking green with it's colors swirling in a confused mass. "Listen Orb, you can tell your Master that tomorrow I will be on my way through the Gorge and that he need not worry so much. I will have the mark in no time." When the Orb remained in it's place she let out a sigh. "Why are you not leaving? I would think you have had enough of me for one night Orb. Go now!"
"Issa let the Orb speak! No doubt he wouldn't have come a second time unless sent here." At that the Orb seemed to find his Awareness again.
"My Master wishes me to remain with you until you finish. He was rather rude about it and gave me direct orders which unfortunately I can not ignore. I am stuck with you until this whole thing is over. I suggest you hurry up and finish it!" With that the Orb turned a satisfied shade of yellow. Narissa and Conaire looked at each other and seemed to be discussing something silently and than as if they had reached a decision they both lept to their feet and drew their swords. Orbs are not ones who enjoy sudden and rash decisions and what the hero and mercenary had just done seemed both sudden and rash. Before the Orb knew what was happening and for the second time that night his Awareness was cut in half as a sword was sent through him. The last words he uttered that night,"NOT AGAIN!" left Narissa and Conaire laughing until the sun came up.
"Not again!

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