Sunday, January 1, 2012


This new year I have not made any resolutions except to keep going down the path that I am already traveling. My life is good and I am in a happy place. I am growing up and learning the lessons I need to learn. I used to think I knew it all and I could do it all, but I am learning what is important and how to get my priorities straight.
Tonight for the first time I socialized with coworkers...more like friends...outside of the work setting. I made memories and I am happy for it. Yes, there was drinking involved, but you know what? I am comfortable with that. I am learning slowly who I am and how to accept that and to ignore the pressures of others. That is the true path to happiness right? I have taken control and am back on the track that I want to be on.
There has been a lot of self reflecting and I have been considering where I want to be in five years and I have decided that I would like to look into getting my teaching degree for science..well biology to be specific. Even if it just so I can teach and go to night school that would be fine for me. There is a lot I want to accomplish, but 2011 has shown me the importance of facing reality.
I love all that this past year alone has taught me and in looking back I can see how much I have learned and how much I have accomplished and as I fall asleep tonight it will be with a smile on my face.
...and not because I am drunk.

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