Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Suspense!

I am officially a week late for my period. Today I did the math and if I go off when I last boogied I would be around 6 weeks. Early enough for no symptoms, but the test I took was negative. I talked to the girls at work who have had kids and they said it was around 8 weeks or so that they started feeling icky. Idk what to think or do. If by wednesday I haven't started my period I will take another test, but if that comes back negative or even positive I am hauling my butt to the doctor and getting my blood checked out!

I need to get work done for my meds anyways so it will be killing two birds with one stone right? I am trying not to spaz out here but the suspense is killing me!  I am going to write a different post spelling out exactly the conflict that is going on right now within me. But for now I am content to say that paranoia is settling in.

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