Tuesday, January 17, 2012

P90x Day One

Yesterday Barbara and I restarted the P90x program. It was the Shoulders and Arms DVD and let me tell you it was fantastic. I was kind of wimpy and started out with 5lb weights, but I am going to ramp them up just a bit as time goes on.

I am hoping to lose weight and get into shape, not necessarily build muscle. I am also going to supplement the workouts with my new vegetarian diet (I will occasionally eat chicken or fish) and with walking or riding my bike. I'm most likely going to be in pain for awhile, but it is going to be worth it.

I weigh 210 lbs right now (I have gained weight this past week) and my goal is to be down to 140 lbs. That's 70 lbs. I know I am not going to lose it all, but even if I get down to 160 that will be great!!!

To track progress I am going to post reviews of the excercise and even photos. I figure it will be a good way to ensure I actually stick with it!

As for now though all I can say is my shoulders feel great! I was surprised I could do all the reps and managed to keep up nicely with the video. Yay me!!!

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