Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Nadia Facts

I would love to work in the wedding industry one day. Planning weddings and pulling them together is something I have always had an interest in. I don't know what it is abouy them, but good golly they are amazing!!!

I abhor Hummers and Priuses (?). Those cars are abominations in the auto industry. Hummer drivers are buttholes and Prius drivers are environmental buttholes. Seriously people who drive either of those cars can be so nice but once they get in it's like this whole other person drives it. Also they are so poorly made, that they fall apart in an accident while another car would just have a minor scratch. Plastic engines are shit. End. Of. Story.

If you can't tell by previous posts, I am a romantic. I can be a cynic at times, but generally I romanticize EVERYTHING. I am not really gooey about it, but I can greatly appreciate a really fantastically romantic move. In fact I tend to help others plan fantastical romantic gestures, like gestures so epic they belong in movies type of fantastical. I believe everyone deserves romance and love no matter what!

About 90% of what I think remains in my mind. I fear one day everyone will be able to know what I really think and their whole opinion of me will change. There are only a couple of people I am straight up open with and thankfully they haven't run...yet.

If I talk to you, and go out of my way to say something to you, or even better if I engage.physical contact with you that means I on some level respect and accept you. If you touch me and I seem awkward around you that means either the jury is still out on how I feel a vb out you, or I don't really like you but don't want to hurt your feelings. If I don't even aknowledge you that means I really can't stand you or I simply haven't met you yet.

I am ALWAYS in a fantasy world in my mind. If you see me talking to myself from a distance, it is most likely me trying out dialogue for a book idea. Don't ask me abouy it because I most likely am not ready to share it.

I am my own worst critic. Seriously I don't like anything I produce or just do in general even if the general populace loves it. If you try to tell me otherwise I will accept your opinion, but it hardly ever changes mine. I'm probably the mosy insecure person my friends know, but without them even knowing that about me.

This one might be a shock to most who know me, but at times (not all the time) I question whether God exists...well not really that. It is more like whether religion is necessary. I know there is a God and I know He (or she?) loves us, but sometimes I wonder if we overestimate what we must do in order to receive that love. Maybe living at home has rubbed off on me or maybe not going to church is finally taking its toll, but lately I have questioned the validity of the LDS church. I don't deny the good it does, but I feel an irritation at the way I am treated sometimes because I work during church.

I will at least one random facts post a week so look forward to that. More adventures are on their way!

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