Thursday, January 26, 2012

Those Damn Coners

If you have been around me for the past few months you will know my vendetta against those who participate in coning. If you don't know what coning is let me explain. Someone (usually a sweaty teenage boy) will go to McDonald's and pay 96¢ just to grab the ice cream part and drive off leaving the workers confused and mainly pissed off. They for some reason have gotten the idea that it is okay and even hilarious.

Let me just say right now it is not funny and will never be. First off who the hell is going to ever think it is alright to disrespect another human being like that? News flash, fast food workers have feelings too! We don't find it funny at all and we actually get really pissed when it happens.

Case in point we have actually banned someone from our store because they were continually coning us. I overheard the young lady talking about it and actually COMPLAINING about how we won't accept her business anymore. Her exact words were "I paid for it, I should be able to do what I want with it." I just about walked over and gave her a what for. That is like saying since you bought a carton of eggs you should be able to throw them at the grocery store you bought them from.

It really gets my goat because this all just boils down to a severe lack of respect for those deemed "beneath" those who are doing the coning. Parents are okay with their children doing this...they lend them the cars or even laugh about it with the child! I don't know about you all, but if I had pulled that crap when I was younger my parents would have been so angry with me. How has society fallen so far? How can parents allow their children to treat others in such a way? Yes, working at McDonald's isn't the most appealling job, but for most of us who work there it is our way of making ends meet. I am a college student and working to pay for school. Mommy and Daddy aren't paying my way. In this economy a job is a job, but what makes it so hard sometimes is how people treat us. Coning is just the tip of the iceberg, but that will be saved for another post.

The world is most certainly a sad place when behaviors like coning are not only accepted but encouraged.


  1. I think coning is funny, I always laughed when people did that to me. It's thier ice cream. if they want to make a mess all over thier car and selves then go for it

  2. The problem is that the ones we have out here make a mess on us and on our building. They have even come into the store and dropped the cone on the floor. Thats when it gets irritating. Sure at first I got a laugh out of it, but now I just think people need to realize there is a line between prank and disrespect.
