Friday, January 20, 2012

The Scandal!

So this coming tuesday I may end up causing quite a stir at work. Hopefully though it turns out not so...confrontational. I am ready to move on from my current situation and am ready to get my big girl pants on. I know I have gotten as far as I can with my current situation and I am trying to do my best, but I need a challenge. I need a change. It is getting too.....boring. Too routine for me. I live my job, but things has gotta change up and fast.

Today I got a phone call that may very well change everything. I want so bad for a new means to live. I have even been contemplating attending an online school to get a degree or attend a cosmetology school or massage therapy to quickly get a new job to work through school. I am hoping this new enterprise makes things easier to attend church and just live life.

Overall though things are going very well.

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