Thursday, May 28, 2009

Missions Missions Missions!

So have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE Colton? Really I love him a lot because he is completely 100% supporting my decision to go on a mission...not only is he supporting me..he WANTS me to go and he KNOWS I need to!!!
I wasn't going to ask him to wait for me because I didn't want him to feel pressured or anything BUT he went and was saying how 18 months isn't long and that he is glad we would get a month or so between him coming home and me leaving. Also he is really excited for me and I know that my going on a mission will give him sometime to be at home and also it will give him some time to get to work and go to school so that works.
I am so excited to be going on a mission and getting ready for one and YOU HAVE NO IDEA how THRILLED I am that Colton supports me and is actually helping me prepare and get ready. He is giving me advice and he is telling me things that I should learn now and what I should prepare for.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


DO YOU SEE THE ABOVE PICTURE???? Yeah Colton sent me a tape (yes that is THE tape I have been waiting for) and this was what came in the mail today... AAAGH!!!! Seriously I cried for the longest time ever and I was freaking out and than (and I owe him for life) my friend Charlie helped me figure out how to put the film together again and how to put it into another cassette.

SO I DID GET TO HEAR COLTON'S VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tape was AMAZING...although it was scratchy in parts (for like a couple minutes) the rest was fantastic. I really really really am just so happy I got it together! He is the sweetest guy and is so funny! He read this letter I had written back in september and was laughing at how we had been trying so hard to deny what everyone else already knew...just how perfect we are for each other!!!! It was amazing to hear him actually say it and to hear him say he loves heart started beating really fast and I now have this permanent smile on my face!

I LOVE HIM TO DEATH and I am soooooo blessed to have him in my life and he has said he has been blessed with me in his. YAY US!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Sad day...Elder Langi is getting transfered and I didn't get that candy to him!!! I am going to have to send some his way really soon that way HE can get a package BEFORE Colton hahaha oh man that kid is awesome! Elder langi got his bike back! Some kid rode by the apartment complex on it and they chased him down...the lock was still on the bike and Elder Langi happened to have the key. Amazing huh? Colton's bike is yet to be found.
Colton got made District Leader...again...XD He is in for a good time too. Last time he really enjoyed it and I think this time around it will do him a WORLD of good!!!!! So it turns out Colton did send the tape when he said he would, so that means it was either lost, stolen, or some postman is grooving to my tape from Colton.

NINE MONTHS!!! HE HAS BEEN OUT FOR NINE MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEK!!!!!!! I mean really know that was HARD and there is soooo much more to go! But we are going to get through it together yet apart. I am really excited about this and I can not wait for him to get home.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fetching postal system!

I think Colton didn't have the right postage for when it changed last monday.
I honestly am so bummed because LAST MONDAY Colton sent me a tape and now on this sunday I still don't have one!!!!!!!! I have been waiting forever for it because I will also be getting pictures and a really long letter from him in exchanged for not calling me on Mother's Day. I haven't gotten a letter or anything I totally sent him one last week...I know he has transfers this week, but normally that doesn't stop him at all...
I am just a little sad because I was looking forward to hearing his voice again on the tape and I was looking forward to pictures and his letter. I guess I am being taught a lesson in patience...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a humbling experience!

So apparently Colton prayed that Heavenly Father would humble him...and the next day his bike was stolen....I didn't want to laugh but I did when I read that. I mean wow that is seriously funny...but sad at the same time. I guess he did technically ask for it and I am glad he is being a good sport and isn't complaining about it!!!
I guess the church pays for bus passes so they get to ride the bus, but they mostly walk. I really think that Elder Langi is a good influence on Colton. Elder Langi is Tongan so that automatically makes him cool and he is also District Leader so that makes him doubly cool. I seriously want to just go and hug him...but I can't. I know he needs major uplifting now so I have to be there for him in ways not involving hugs.
I am sending a package on friday so it is going to be a real big boost for him. I got him some ties in silver (his favorite color), yellow, and pink (long story with that one). Also I am sending lollipops from Disneyland for him to share with the elders in his area, a little Donald Duck doll that says "Crabby but lovable" on it, and a Donald Duck pen...can you tell what his favorite Disney character is??? DONALD!!! Another thing I am putting is some pictures and a tape for him to listen to. Either Thursday or Friday I am getting one from him! Man I love this kid...
I am going to have to send it like overnighted because I guess Transfers are next week...he thinks he is staying in Denver and Elder Langi will be leaving...but we won't know until than so I may have a note to tell him to giv Elder Langi one before transfers and than share the others if he gets transfered he can bribe the other elders in his new area!!!
Brilliant? I think so!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lately I have been going crazy....everywhere I turn it is weddings, weddings, and more weddings!!! I wish I could fast forward time...I know once he gets home things are going to be different...I know we aren't going to be going at a snails pace...but still I worry how long it will take him to warm up after being home.
I am so excited for tomorrow because he will be sending me an e-mail...I sent him a letter today and one yesterday. I am expecting a tape and a letter later this week....I guess all I can say is that I really miss him and I wonder when it is going to be August of 2010. I want him to come home so much! He told me that my dream about him not to long ago basically helped him a whole lot because it spurred me to ask him if he was okay. He told me some things that just really made my heartache. If I could call him or see him I would give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be alright...overall my mood lately has been melancholy. I just plain miss him.
*picture is of my friend Jenny and her boyfriend Dennis holding hands... I just really like it and decided to use it*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day...*sigh*

So even though I knew he wasn't going to call (and I was happy about that) I still checked my phone hoping it was him everytime I got a text or everytime my phone made some random noise...I thought I would go mad as 2 pm came closer and closer. When it hit 2 I held my breather until I knew for sure that he wasn't calling. After that I felt pretty fine and didn't spaz out as bad when the phone would go off although at times I caught myself glancing over almost willing him to call me.

Now don't get me wrong..I am THRILLED he didn't call...but a part of me was saddened that he didn't...just a tiny part of me. I had to keep reminding myself that he is sending a letter and tape tomorrow as promised. It was a fun Mother's Day overall...I just missed him and yes I was slightly envious that his family got to speak with him, but overall I was overjoyed that he was able to call them and not feel gulty for having talked to me first or even after. His family deserves more time talking with him. I hope he got to speak with his sister Parris! He hasn't seen her for awhile...she was on a mission when he left.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh so confusing!!!

Ever feel like you are being pulled in a certain direction and than BOOM suddenly you are being pulled in another against your will? Well this week has been like that...
It started on Sunday with me getting a letter from Colton saying that he isn't going to call me on Mother's Day ...and than on Wednesday he changed his mind and said he was going to call me and than on thursday I got a letter from him which again stated that he was going to call around 2 in the afternoon.
Now I was excited yet a little upset that he was going to be breaking mission rules and calling me yet at the same time I was super excited that he would be calling. I ran into some problems with my friends and the added stress of that just really made me anxious about the call.
Well today I recieved an e-mail from Colton telling me that he recieved a letter I had sent on Monday that tells him that I think the rule is a good one and his Mission President is a smart man. I also had mentioned how proud I was that he wasn't going to call even though he had really wanted to. He says the letter was just what he needed in order to get back on track and to focus. It turns out he isn't going to call me, but I am still happy! He needed to be brought back into focus and I was there to help him. I am sad I don't get to talk to him, but he said he is sending me a tape on Monday and that is just as good!!!

I learned a lesson on how important an MG can be to a missionary. We are there to help them out when they need uplift them and at times bring them back down to where they need to be. I am so glad I was able to both uplift and bring him down this week and I am glad that he respects me even more for it and still loves me!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Golly Molly!

I have to say that Colton better appreciate all the hard work I am doing while he is gone....I was at the gym today and I was sooooo ready to quit as soon as I got there but I kept thinking about how I want to be in smoking hot shape when he gets home...and knowing me it would take awhile to get to the point that I want to. I really am just super excited about getting in shape and working out wasn't half as bad as I remembered it to be...of course it helps that I made a killer work out mix for my ipod.
Now you know one of my goals is to lose weight and get in shape, but some other goals are to read the standards works at least once and the Book of Mormon at least twice. I want to finish Jesus the Christ and I started working on Family History. I'm going to get as much schooling done as possible and I am looking forward to fulfilling all the callings I will receive. More goals will come as time progresses and I know that Heavenly Father will help me to achieve all that I want to.


So Colton's sister in law, Kristina, told me today that she has planned this unofficial road trip to Denver in about two years when Colton gets home and she told me it would be her family (Colton's brother, her, and their two kids) and Colton AND I!!! She totally included me in her plans automatically. I guess she has family in Denver and seeing as that is where Colton is serving she says it would be cool to go to all his areas while we visit her family! I know it isn't for awhile, but I am so excited! I mean she is really including me and making me part of her family already! Whenever I am in town she wants to meet up and hang out...I can't lie... I am jazzed to the extreme.
She said today that whoever Colton marries is going to be lucky because he likes to clean, cook, and he loves kids. I have to say that fetch yeah I am going to be lucky! LOL XD I totally love that about him though...he says I make him want to try harder to be a good person. He totally has no idea how much he motivates me to become a stronger person...every letter I get from him and every e-mail just spurs me to live better and to change the less desirable. When he gets home I want to be all he deserves to have! I am so lucky to have him in my life and I am so lucky and blessed that he loves me!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The letter...well the most recent

So after a weekend away from home I rolled up to my house and got inside to start uploading pictures from the wedding when on my laptop was a letter from Colton!!! That poor envelope didn't even know what was coming! That baby got torn into so fast and that letter pulled out super quick!
I love how he is always complaining about the weather in Colorado...that boy is a true desert rat at heart! He says it is weird how it gets colder and colder and than the next day will be super hot.
Colton is so funny..he tells me about this dream he had about the two of us having a house and this little girl named Cathy. Our friend Jenny came over with her husband and Colton didn't like him and then he realized it wasn't real and it was a dream so he woke up. The last thing he says about it is "I don't even like the name Cathy"
XD I love that kid...
I have decided that after reading this letter I will never let him mess around with the dishwasher when there is no detergent...he stuck liquid soap into the dishwasher instead of dishwashing soap! BIG mess apparently...when I get the pictures I will put them up!

Sad news though...he was going to call me on Mother's Day (which was surprising news to me), but his Mission President said no calling girlfriends to all the elders. We both agreed though that calling would have been a bad idea for us both. We will see when it comes time for Christmas...If not it doesn't really bother me with all the letters I get and the e-mails and the pictures and the tapes. The boy spoils me!!
I love him so much and everytime he says it my heart goes crazy inside my chest! I really just can't wait for him to get home next year!


Well two of the most deserving people got married this past Saturday! Robert and Emily Bischoff!!!!! Their story is a HUGE inspiration to me. They were going out in high school and they both agreed they were not going to kiss until they graduated. Rob left on his mission and Emily waited faithfully for him to return.
In october of 2008 Robert came home and that December he proposed. They Finally got married on May 2, 2009 in the St. George Temple (My favorite temple ever!) for time and all eternity.
It was such a huge blessing to be there and to see them go in unmarried and come out married! She was beautiful and he was so handsome! My friend Jenny was there with her boyfriend and we all could tell that they are on the same track as her brother and new sister, Robert an Emily.
I did get a little sniffly though the next day (yeah I know, delayed reaction) because I began thinking about how badly I want my family and friends to be there when I get married and it really made me miss Colton a lot.
I guess this weekend really just opened my eyes to how much I love him and I miss him. Robert and Emily have given me a new hope for the future... and all I got them was a vaccum!