Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a humbling experience!

So apparently Colton prayed that Heavenly Father would humble him...and the next day his bike was stolen....I didn't want to laugh but I did when I read that. I mean wow that is seriously funny...but sad at the same time. I guess he did technically ask for it and I am glad he is being a good sport and isn't complaining about it!!!
I guess the church pays for bus passes so they get to ride the bus, but they mostly walk. I really think that Elder Langi is a good influence on Colton. Elder Langi is Tongan so that automatically makes him cool and he is also District Leader so that makes him doubly cool. I seriously want to just go and hug him...but I can't. I know he needs major uplifting now so I have to be there for him in ways not involving hugs.
I am sending a package on friday so it is going to be a real big boost for him. I got him some ties in silver (his favorite color), yellow, and pink (long story with that one). Also I am sending lollipops from Disneyland for him to share with the elders in his area, a little Donald Duck doll that says "Crabby but lovable" on it, and a Donald Duck pen...can you tell what his favorite Disney character is??? DONALD!!! Another thing I am putting is some pictures and a tape for him to listen to. Either Thursday or Friday I am getting one from him! Man I love this kid...
I am going to have to send it like overnighted because I guess Transfers are next week...he thinks he is staying in Denver and Elder Langi will be leaving...but we won't know until than so I may have a note to tell him to giv Elder Langi one before transfers and than share the others if he gets transfered he can bribe the other elders in his new area!!!
Brilliant? I think so!

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