Monday, May 4, 2009


Well two of the most deserving people got married this past Saturday! Robert and Emily Bischoff!!!!! Their story is a HUGE inspiration to me. They were going out in high school and they both agreed they were not going to kiss until they graduated. Rob left on his mission and Emily waited faithfully for him to return.
In october of 2008 Robert came home and that December he proposed. They Finally got married on May 2, 2009 in the St. George Temple (My favorite temple ever!) for time and all eternity.
It was such a huge blessing to be there and to see them go in unmarried and come out married! She was beautiful and he was so handsome! My friend Jenny was there with her boyfriend and we all could tell that they are on the same track as her brother and new sister, Robert an Emily.
I did get a little sniffly though the next day (yeah I know, delayed reaction) because I began thinking about how badly I want my family and friends to be there when I get married and it really made me miss Colton a lot.
I guess this weekend really just opened my eyes to how much I love him and I miss him. Robert and Emily have given me a new hope for the future... and all I got them was a vaccum!

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