Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So Colton's sister in law, Kristina, told me today that she has planned this unofficial road trip to Denver in about two years when Colton gets home and she told me it would be her family (Colton's brother, her, and their two kids) and Colton AND I!!! She totally included me in her plans automatically. I guess she has family in Denver and seeing as that is where Colton is serving she says it would be cool to go to all his areas while we visit her family! I know it isn't for awhile, but I am so excited! I mean she is really including me and making me part of her family already! Whenever I am in town she wants to meet up and hang out...I can't lie... I am jazzed to the extreme.
She said today that whoever Colton marries is going to be lucky because he likes to clean, cook, and he loves kids. I have to say that fetch yeah I am going to be lucky! LOL XD I totally love that about him though...he says I make him want to try harder to be a good person. He totally has no idea how much he motivates me to become a stronger person...every letter I get from him and every e-mail just spurs me to live better and to change the less desirable. When he gets home I want to be all he deserves to have! I am so lucky to have him in my life and I am so lucky and blessed that he loves me!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you are going to be luck! What a blessing to have a fimily who is so so understanding and including. That is a rare thing!!!! Your trip will be awesome but a lot will happen before then!
