Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ding Dong the...girl is engaged?!

Yeah that's right people this girl is ENGAGED...well to be fair I should say A GIRL is engaged and no that girl is not me although I am pretty sure I wouldn't be posting a blog on it...okay i would but I would probably title it like "HOLY FETCH I GOT ONE" or "HE MADE UP HIS MIND" or even better "I'M FINALLY ENGAGED!" although I doubt I will be needing that one until I am like way old and all my siblings and cousins are married and I am the last one after being the first one to be born. Yeah I don't know how well I will handle being "Auntie Nadia" for so many years but by golly I will do it with grace and pride and not one hint of bitterness!!!!

Now that that is out of the way I guess I should explain what it is I am writing about...I am writing because in this past week two girls in the branch got engaged within days of each other and now that is basically all anyone can talk about! UGH! Seriously I am happy for them but it really gets my goat when the guys all act like it is the end of the world when someone gets engaged. I do believe it was said that their supply was getting smaller....and they said it right in front of me! Like really do you need to act like I am one of the guys and than say thins like that? It hurts my already poor self-esteem and on top of that it insults me that you don't seem to think I could even be in that little supply pool.

I have suffered from low self esteem for eyars when it comes to guys and with two big relationships that both the guy has ended rather unexpectedly it really has got me worried you know? Don't get me wrong I do understand that I am great and yada yada yada cuz I get people telling me that all the time, what I don't get is why they tell me that and they ask why I am still single and than they complain that there are no girls around to date...right in front of me. One time that same scenario exactly as I said it all within the same five minutes! Boys are stupid end of story and I really wish that a smart one would come along. Maybe I am supposed to remain single for a reason...okay I have a reason to be single already, but what I am talking about is....well i am not going to say it outloud or type it because honestly I don't know who all will see this but let me tell you it is a very VERY good and kind and charming and really awesome all around reason to be least for another year and a half or so.... XD

Still though it would be nice if I could at least get asked on a date every once in awhile...just saying....

In all honesty folks I am thrilled for all my friends and acquaintances who are getting married and having babies! I am so grateful for the life that I do have and that I have been given and I wouldn't change it for anything!!!!!! I know I sounded whiny above but trust me I was stating it in a matter of fact kind of tone. I am not one to be pety and I know that those girls absolutely deserve that happiness!!!!!

The First Presidency Christmas Devotional tonight was just what I needed really. I love hearing from our leaders and especially from the Prophet and hearing the comforting and uplifting words he had to say. Also the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was in awesome form tonight and I really got in to the Christmas Spirit which we all must really remember is the Spirit of Jesus!

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