Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Interesting happenings of happening...ness

I ripsticked last night...for two seconds before I went flying off the board and into Kenny's arms....good thing he was standing there and is basically a rock otherwise I would have most likely really injured myself! I was embarassed and slightly attracted might I add. I mean really the guy has got some MUSCLES....and he smelt really good hahaha Okay so I had a total damsel in distress moment last night and it was brilliant. Sue me for wanting to share it with everyone!

Secret of mine...I LOVE lying to stupid telemarketers! Yeah they called asking for my mom just now and I was like "I don't know when she is getting home...I am just the babysitter." Yeah I don't know why but I just really enjoy it...maybe it is because I am super pro at lying and I don't really get the opportunity to show off my skills anymore. *Sigh* I would have made a GREAT con artist if I had any interest in it at all...perhaps though I could be a spy...I could do spy things!

I could totally be a spy...look at that hair! Does it not scream of SPY HAIR! Anyways I am busy applying to about a million different jobs right now and I am going to my first doctor's appointment Next Monday. *Bleh* but I guess it is necessary so whatevers.

I have a wager with Charlie that at the New Year's Eve Dance that not only will I NOT get any numbers that I won't be giving any out AND the majority of those I dance with will be the guys in our group. Yeah take that Self Esteem! BAHAHAHA Okay so basically I just want to prove to him that just because HE thinks I am...attractive I guess....does NOT mean that every other guy does. This'll learn him good!

Well got to run off now and do some laundry...since I need clothes to wear and all mine are dirty!

1 comment:

  1. like i said, whats so bad about dancing with Kenny a lot ;) ;)
