Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well tonight was certainly interesting. I went to watch The Ultimate Gift at a friend's house and of course needed a ride since I didn't know where it was and my car is still out of gas. Anyways I got there and I found an empty seat next to a incredibly handsome guy and than another equally attractive guy sat next to me. The whole movie I was afraid to look around like I normally do for fear of either thinking I was looking at them. So my neck now hates me because of the forcing it to stay in one position for the entire movie. Yeah I know I am a spaz at times, but I do have control over my actions....when I really want to excercise that control.

After the movie ended (which btw the move is a must see for everyone!) The first guy left and I was sitting there having a pretty decent and semi-private conversation with the second guy since everyone else was on the other side of the room. We were talking about everything when i realized he is amazingly intelligent, has awesome eyes and teeth, is really attractive, and I am pretty sure he finds me genuinely interesting which is surprising. After about an hour of just us talking ANOTHER attractive male makes his way over to us and he inserts himself into the conversation. Now Guy Number Two is kind of new to our group of within the last year or so while Guy Number Three has been in the group since before I have been in it meaning I know Guy Number Three better and there is massive speculation that he likes me and has liked me for some time. The problem is that I like them both in the sense that they are both awesome guys but I find myself drawing more towards Guy Number Two. This is all guess work people and nothing has happened with either guy except some heavy flirting, but I felt like they were both massively vying for my attention tongiht and I have to tell you it was really awkward.

A friend of mine (who has his own girlfriend) came over to talk to me about something and both of the other guys completely and unnecesarily (excuse the next phrase) cock-blocked him.
What is the deal with that? He isn't even interested in me and they basically stopped him from talking to me by continually asking me questions and talking to me and ignoring the fact that he had come over and tried to speak with me. He and I were laughing about it later, but at the time I got pretty miffed.

On the way home Guy Number Three gave Number Two and I rides home with Number Two sitting in the back. I don't know what to make of it, but whatever I am going to keep being me and I will let the two of them duke it out because honestly if either of them are even wanting to have any kind of anything with me they need to just come out and say it rather than act like they were.

The movie was pretty good though and it almost made me cry a couple times. I suggest everyone watch it because for reals, Abigail Breslin as a goth girl cancer kid is amazing in it and the main character is amazingly cute. Of course the movie can be a tad predictable, but for the most part it is genuinely funny and charming.

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