Thursday, December 3, 2009


Apparently my mother has a proposition for me but she doesn't quite know how to word it properly and I think she was generally surprised when I stated I didn't have a clue as to what it was. I honestly don't even want to think of it until she presents said proposition. Ruins the whole surprise and my imagination will take a hold of me in the worst way possible and I really want to think my mom has a better imagination than mine. Although I don't think she is going to propose that I put my plans for world domination into somehow I don't think that is it.

I wowed my family with dinner tonight and my stepdad was surprised at my cooking prowess and my mom asked me if I was hiding any other talents. I told them I have the useful ability to learn choreography and music quickly. Somehow I don't think they found those skills quite as handy as cooking an exquisitely edible meal. I did enjoy cooking and I would liek to further my kitchen skills seeing as I totally guessed on what to put in this pasta mixture I made.

I REALLY miss really bad and I miss performing. I always enjoyed it and was really happy when I performed and when I was in the Colorguard. I posted pictures for you all hahaha although they aren't the best quality. There is something about performing that really just brightens up my day and I have no clue why!! It isn't like I enjoy solo stuff but I really did enjoy my solo in colorguard tossing a triple on rifle for the world to see. I practiced for weeks to get it down perfectly and I almost cried when I performed it perfectly at our last competition (it hadn't been in the routine for the other competitions). Than with Choir I did get a duet but they guy couldn't get his timing down. I on the other hand had it down and I really wanted it to be a solo instead since I could sing his part which could stand without mine. Anyways the whole choir ended up singing our parts and I wanted to kick my singing partner where the sun don't shine for lacking in the basic talent of timing. I think I need to get back into singing.

My mom got me reading those Sookie Stackhouse Novels which the HBO series True Blood is based off of...I gotta tell you that these books are waaaaay more awesome than Twilight although that really is not hard to do...hmmm well anyways the vampires are REAL vampires which means none of that sparkly crap and they are a billion more times likely to kill you than even the Volturi. Heck they could kill everyone in the Twilight series and than have enough energy to go over to the Harry Potter people and destroy them. Seriously the Supernaturals in this series are way more amazing and amusing than anything I have every come across and I have been quite satisfied with the reading although I do have to skip over the few racy bits in the books...yeah no need to read about sex but the rest of the books is genious.

GLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SHOW! I by far love the mattress routine more than anything else they have done! BAM! I just had to proclaim my gleekness for the world to see hahaha I am a Glee fan beyond everything else.

and now I am off to bed. Good night everyone and try not to think too hard about lifes worries because they certainly are not worrying about you! I love you all and goodnight!

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