Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh Frostbite!

So awkward moment today when I was talking with my she asked me all sly like "So will you do it?" and I though she was talking about her proposal form awhile back and I kinda got all flustered and was agreeing and she thought I was agreeing to me going and running the water bill over to the Water District! Nice save on that one really hahaha I was agreeing rather reluctantly for only having to go deliver a bill....sheesh I am surprised she didn't really catch on although she probably did but is far too crafty to actually admit it out loud to me. Save me some dignity or whatever.

In other news I have decided that I no longer enjoy Nevada as a state. It denies me of a perfectly awesome Winter filled with sled rides, snowmen, and ice skating on a pond or whatever. I have not gotten to ride on a sled in forever and I don't have any chances to go on a sleigh ride EVER. BOO Nevada for your fail of a winter. Who ever said cold temperatures and sprinkles instead of snow was winter? I certainly didn't! I vote that we have snow for Christmas no matter where you are. I spent the whole day watchin Christmas movies and you know what they all had in common? SNOW! That's right!!!

My life is pretty boring and today I fell asleep filling out this mental health thing that I have to fill out...holy cow the thing asks me about my temperment as an infant! How in the flip am I supposed to know?! I seriously have to ask my mom about all the questions because I really don't keep that much track of my mental health and she seems to have an answer to all those questions. UGH personal health histories can go and die.

I wish my life has more meaning. I used to know what I liked to do for fun and if I had a lot of friends or just a few or even what my favorite food was, but now....I can't really tell you much about myself. That is what depresses me the most about everything. I know what the root of my problems are and what I want...well in regards to the problem...but it isn't what others would think I need. IDK if that makes sense but yeah. I am happy for other's successes and what they are achieving, but sometimes I just get so fed up with everyone else getting what I want and I get nothing no matter how hard I try. Although I know my trying hasn't always been the best, but the few times I actually ahve really put my full effort into achieving my goals it all just turns to S@#T and I don't understand why.

Well I am going to bed now after a restless night of not sleeping...well actually I might not be going to bed but rather just sit here on the computer doing who knows what.

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