Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well that Sucks

Today was not a bad day for me overall, but it seems like everyone else was kinda having a rough time of it. Charlie with all his problems and Erica is experiencing a major life melt down and my little sister taylor got left out fo going to lunch with me quite on accident and I ended up not going Christmas shopping like I wanted which means tomorrow I am going super early so I can make it back in time to take Taylor to lunch. Oh joy! HAHAHA

The job hunt is still on, but I am still pushing forward hoping soon someone will actually call me for an interview at least! I am applying for a front desk job here in town and then the library job in vegas and than i also have inquired about a nanny job in vegas. I have applied to a billion other places but you wouldn't know it since I ain't heard diddly squat. *sigh* I hate not having a job. I am even considering going to work at Juicie Jucie again *shudder* although even my mom told me I probably shouldn't go there to work again since the boss lady there is NUTS! So let's all hope I get a job soon!

Okay so I am glad that none of my friends in town really read this blog because of what I am about to say and other things I have said. Well anyways I kinda am interested in this guy and he isn't a member but I really don't care about that because he is actually a positive influence in my life, but anyways Erica saw a picture of him and she said "I approve of him being the uncle of my children" Yes the loads of hypothetical children that Erica has...THOSE children...no real ones...yet...BAHAHAHA but anyways he is as erica put it "cute in a good way" not like...pretty boy cute but the GOOD kind of cute, because we all know the difference.... XD The saddest thing is that we aren't even dating and my sister is already talking about stories to tell at the wedding! *sigh* if only it were that easily simple hahaha. But anyways I am thinking about asking him on a date or something or over to do something but idk what...maybe he can help me make Jenny and Dennis' baby present I am making...I am going to be making a Baby Mobile! Oh yes I am crafty like that. Oh snap yeah I basically am going to be really creative with my gifts this year and I figure most of them can be like....idk dollar store gifts or some kind of craft that I make...oh back to the guy! Well we will have to see what happens.

Heavenly Father certainly has a way of reminding us of His presence and love you know? Right now I have a friend who is kinda suffering through something and I never realized til now that I having been through similar situations can help them when I myself had no one who knew how to help me. I was wondering when going through that trial why I was being subjected to it, but I know now that Heavenly Father knew that I would be able to live through it and would be able to help others out. I don't really think any of my friends would have been able to go through it without any solid help or at least someone to vent to who knew what they were going through. Now I am not being conceited I just finally realized one of the ways that the Lord has been using me! This is an exciting thing for me you know? To be a help to my friends and family. IDK my patriarchal blessing does kinda elude to that fact, but I never really reflected on my life enough to see it actually happening! Silly girl!

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