Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Report this!


What is it that I report you ask? Well let me tell you...SPORTS! That's right I am dabbling into the sports reporting side of journalism. While I do enjoy sports I would rather report on the art happenings but hey journalism is journalism and I enjoy watching sports and writing so why not do it?! HUZZAH! A way to make some money!

I went to Vegas today with Kenny and ended up in the college library for an hour while he was in his math class. I found a ton of interesting books, but of course I didn't really read them because I was so overwhelmed with the sheer awesomeness of these books in this library. College libraries are pretty much awesome....end of story.

I gave Sister Bischoff my Christmas present for Elder Bischoff that they are sending in a big box of presents for him. Apparently I am the only one who gave him a spiritual type gift. I gave him this pictures of ALL the prophets dressed in white and in the temple. Oh yes I am brilliantly epic like that and I am soooo thoughtful...actually I just got the feeling that he could use it. Charlie told me today that he and some others are going to be suggesting I be on the Activities Committee for the ward since I am smart and really fun and I have tons of good ideas....this is waht he told me...seriously he said all those things and I was like O_O "I'm WHA???" Really people see the oddest things in me and I am like "If you really knew..."

I am so bored! I mean usually I have no problem with doing nothing but right now all I want to do is go out and do something! BAH HUMBUG! Okay I didn't do that correctly but oh well. I really need to go Christmas shopping and soon while I still have some monies and what not otherwise not many people are getting gifts although I am pretty sure I have some gifts for some people already. YAY for being vague!!!!!!

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