Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Could You?

**DISCLAIMER** This is NOTHING but a gander at creative writing and DOES NOT hold any kind of significance to my life....just so you all don't get worried or anything! Enjoy!!!

How could you do this to me? After all I have done for you and all the trials I went through with you! You who was supposed to who was supposed to be there. Whatever happened to "I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine"? Do I mean so little to you? We were supposed to make it, to be the shining example to others, but no you went and changed your mind leaving me in the dust. Everything was perfect until you went and screwed it up. Now I don't know what to do or where to go, we are both stumbling reaching out for something that is no longer there. We had it all figured out, we KNEW it would work, but your selfish insecurities led those plans astray and now we have nothing! We are no one. You fake happiness, yet I know from the look in your eyes you are plagued with questions of "what if?" Do you think me a fool to not know you better than yourself?! You of all people trying to hide from me! You never should have run, it only has prolonged this moment that is building up. This moment where truths will come flying out opening new wounds and mending old ones. I've gotten stronger in our months apart, tougher, and more able to stand on my own two feet. If you think you are going to win you need to reevaluate your technique. I know your weakest points like you USED to know mine. You can no longer hurt me, I am past the point of all feeling when it comes to you. The only purpose I will serve now is your destruction. No matter where you go or what you do I will always be one step ahead of you waiting and biding my time...waiting for the perfect moment when I can strike you down.

You thought you left me for dead, you thought you left me broken beyond all repair. How could you? You had no way of knowing that I would rise like a phoenix from the ashes. The truth is I have dealt with your kind before. So arrogant, so sure of your ability to get the job done you underestimate your opponent. In the end I will be the only one standing, in the end everything will come to light. Months of planning and preparation will not be wasted. I am a survivor, a warrior unlike any other.

...and I am coming for you.

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