Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Are So LOST!!!

So yesterday I got the Swine Flu Vaccine with my siblings because my mother basically demanded it of us...ANYWAYS after we got it we went and got some pizza and started to head home to have a regular ole fiesta with it you know? WRONG! We hit Traffic O_O yes we do get traffic in the butt-crack of nowhere. Usually it is because someone got into some major accident and everyone slows down on the two lane highway to look...well traffic this time was because of construction. I HATE TRAFFIC! Just letting you all know that. ANYWAYS there is this back road I am ALWAYS hearing about and have even been on (a few years ago) and so I suggested to my mother that we could take that AND get home sooner than we would if we stuck to riding it out in the traffic.

You guessed it people we got lost....well not really lost we just got the sand...for three hours...let me tell you, when the women in my family fail we fail spectacularly. See we were going fine you know? Just mozying along this incredibly rocky fourwheeler trail along the edge of the Mesa and suddenly my mom hits the brakes because she realizes that the trail has turned all sandy and she didn't want to get stuck. Ironically it was the hitting the brakes that got us stuck and we tried to do what we could to shovel the sand out but we only sunk deeper so after an hour she called my stepdad and I texted all my friends to let them know I wouldn't be bowling with them that evening. Eventually my stepdad got out there with someone from his church and they rescued us form having to spend the night in the truck because really they barely did manage to find us out in the desert!!!

We got home heated up the pizza and ate. I was supposed to hang out with Barbara, but I was WIPED out and could barely manage to stay awake so I had to call in for a rain check. Oh wells!
*sigh* it was an awesome adventure and memory making moment!

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