Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My lucky break

So two days into living in Nevada and I get pulled over by a cop for going ten over the lame speed limit in town. Seriosuly I shouldn't have been excited but I could not stop smiling...maybe it was because it was my first time getting pulled over and having a cop talk to me. Last time I had a run in with the law I was in the 5th grade and had finally gotten caught after years of forging my parents signatures. Anyways Barbara, Sherry, and I were on our way to see New Moon up in Mesquite but thanks to Sargeant Make Me Tardy we missed the movie by half an hour. Oh well though it is no big deal since the darned film is still in theaters. OH! The best part is that I didn't get a ticket or a warning or nothing. All he said was "Today is your lucky day." and than he said he needed to pul out in front of me because he needed to go pick up his partner before they went and actually started working. Brilliant...I am going to just pass it off on my awesome personality and amazing ability to bs my way out of tough spots. Really who can give a ticket to a sweet girl who just moved to Nevada and was obviously unaware of the speed limit?
Okay luckily this cop was not one that I know or like a parent of one of my friends or something because he would than have been well aware that I am not new at all to this town. Heck I have driven on that particular spot going 20 over and not even really paying attention.
I really did get lucky though is all I am saying.

On another note, today I got in my car and I just sat there in the driveway for like 20 minutes (or shorter) and for the life of me couldn't figure out where I even wanted to go! Why is it that I can never make up my freaking mind and that when I do it is always this spontaneously fantastic fail of an idea but at the same time it is brilliant? Like....putting fireworks in a balzing fire....stupid idea with awesome results. Anywho I wanted to drive to Box Wash since the last time I was there was over a year ago, but I wasn't sure how I would handle it since...well nevermind that is too personal for even me to post on the internet! Let's just say that place is my special spot with someone and there are a lot of good memories there as well as a lot of ghosts that I probably shouldn't be bringing up.

Going to get the Swine Flu Vaccine today. UGH!!!

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