Thursday, September 2, 2010

Idiots in College

Yeah no joke I am surrounded by ignorant, uncultured, IDIOTS at school. I forgot how smart and intelligent I am and than there I was in history wanting to scream because people didn't know how many sentences go in a standard paragraph, why myths and legends exist, and what a primary source is! GAH! I just about had a brain aneurism. Now don't get me wrong, I have my blonde moments. Just today I thought it was Friday (wishful thinking) but at least I know how many sentences are in a paragraph (which btw it is 5 to 7). Hopefully my psychology and sociology classes will be filled with smart  people who won't make my brain explode.

Went on a photoshoot today with Barbara and Robert. I didn't take as many pictures because it was too stinking hot out and we were all sweating like pigs! UGH! But she looked marvelous and the pictures I did get look pretty awesome. Robert and I were going to do something tonight but he just called me and said he has a ton of work to do. My voice sounded like this :) but my face was like this :(...yeah I am pretty bummed but whatever.

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