Monday, September 20, 2010

The Polygamists Wet Dream

Interestingly enough I am apparently a Polygamists dream. Something about me makes them (the males) look at me and think "hmmm...she would make a good wife....maybe a second or a third or even *gasp* a first!" Well at least that is what I am starting to think now. They come through the drive thru at work and are always courteous and nice (well for the most part) and I am always nice back and I smile and make sure their order is right (but of course I do this for everyone) and than I move one. Normally we don't interact outside of order/ money taking, but today was completely different. Here is the actual (well what I can remember) account of how TWO seperate polygamist men hit on me with their wives in the car:


He came to my window after ordering chicken nuggets...50 of them...and when he pulled up his wife (one of them probably the first wife) handed him a twenty doller bill and some really random change that slipped out of his hand when he handed me the money. Of course coins go everywhere and I run around inside the store trying to stop them from rolling and I am picking them up and apologizing while blushing really badly. He just laughed and told me not to worry about it and said I could keep the change as a tip. I promptly stopped coin collecting and punched in the twenty. The whole time I was getting his change he kept telling me how great my eyes were and that I had the cutest smile. He kept using my name and asking me questions about myself and he even asked if I was single. (Thank goodness I could honestly answer "no")!

His wife didn't seem to happy and was giving me the stink eye from the front seat, but the other young woman in the back was waving at me and smiling and she even passed along some questions was so weird that they were there on Sunday, but apparently they were on their way home from visiting some family in Moapa *gasp*!!!! If someone hadn't had come up to order food he would have sat there forever talking to it was it took him like three minutes to leave my window....and that first 30 seconds he had already gotten his change. O_O


Come rolling up to my window after ordering a caramel frappe (which has coffee). I didn't want to say anything thing but at least two of his wives were pregnant and coffee is sooooo not good for any child, especially those in I mentioned that people really were gaga over those iceblended coffe drinks (cuz they really are AMAZING) and the shock on their faces were priceless. He didn't believe that they had coffee and I told him that they did and I mentioned that coffee wasn't healthy for unborn babies and he looked so flabberghasted and than he asked if I was out of nowhere asked me that and although i haven't been in awhile I said that I am a member and he just smiled really big at me. His wife in the front asked if she could have a smoothie instead and they all ended up changing their order! He kept smiling and he mentioned that I was a sweet girl and very nice looking and he was "amazed" that I wasn't already married. He asked if I lived around where I worked and how long I was going to be working for that evening.....which kinda creeped me out so I said I lived about an hour south and I was closing that evening.

Yeah that is my story on how two polygamist men found me reasonably know...for a woman...and one not of their faith. I am seriously so grateful that I am dating Robert...hahaha I tell guys all the time that I am either married, engaged, or is so much nicer to turn guys down when I have a valid reason to....and what is with them now being interested with me dating someone, but when I was single I hardle ever even went on dates?!

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