Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Push Push Baby

So I haven't wanted to press any marriage talk or anything like that with Robert, I mean we have been dating for three months and everything and it is a bit early, but at the same time I feel like we probably need to figure out what direction we want to take our relationship in. This doesn't just stem from the fact that EVERYONE asks me how serious he and I are, but I guess I just want to figure out how invested either of us are in this relationship. It isn't like I am saying we have to get married by this or this date or engaged or whatever, but I what I am saying is we need to figure out if that would be a road we both feel could be taken. I know both of us are in financial situations (He is getting a car and I am paying off some debts) but I have never believed that those things could prevent talking from happening.

Today was a really taxing day on me. Robert and I got up early this morning and drove to St. George for my doctor's appointment and from there drove straight to Vegas so I could make it to my class on time. As it turns out the teacher wasn't even there! We just turned in our work, signed a sign in sheet and left. It was nice to get the extra time with Robert, and we even saw Mrs. Brough (Zach's mom) there on campus and even got to hang out with Zach a bit before their photoshop class. Robert and I left campus after awhile and drove around looking for food when we found a *musical fanfare* PIZZA HUT! Yeah we got a large pizza, two waters, and headed to the Woofter Family Park and had ourselves a picnic, complete with a blanket and a tree to sit under! It was really fun to just do something simple like that with him. Later we headed to the Charleston campus where it was Robert's turn to learn. I just farted around in the computer lab and talked to my mother via facebook for an hour or so. I also was looking up things about LDS and Non-LDS marriages....embarassingly enough Robert caught me!!!! I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights hahaha but whatever.

On the way home my engine light turned on and so tomorrow I get to venture to Robert's house to have his dad use this machine thingy to figure out what is wrong with it....OH JOY! More money to spend fixing my car.....UGH! Hopefully though ym car is not in the final stages of it's life because I really REALLY can NOT afford to buy a new car right now. I mean there are some cheap ones (okay so like almost seven grand) down at the car lot, but I don't even really have money to put down right now on a car to lessen the payments. Maybe my parents will sell me their truck???? PSSSH AS IF!


So oddly enough (and just let it be known that Robert and I have not had sex) Robert and I ended up finding out that we agree on certain sexual terms (i.e. oral/ anal sex). Let me tell you it was a relief to find out that he and I are on the same page. I won't give you the details of what was said, but I think that we both felt better knowing that that will never be an issue or a difference of opinion. I really think it is important to discuss with one's partner where they stand on certain matters...even if they are rather uncomfortable...I mean he is the first guy I have talked to this about, but let me tell you it was a big help! I should probably share more things like that with him though bahahahaha

Oh and we decided that we are above the "scented candles" gift phase of our relationship...whatever the next level is I have no clue but at least we are past the "I really like you" phase bahahaha of course technically we left that like....last month... Just saying.

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