Thursday, September 16, 2010

In My Defense...

I can't be held responsible for anything I do at...late/ early hours of the morning when I am hopped up on adrenaline, pain, and for instance writing ridiculous post on people's facebook walls proclaiming lesbionic love or thanking my mother for not eating me at birth. I can on the otherhand be blamed for agitating my elbow tonight by playing a wicked bad game of Ultimate Frisbee. Yeah I honestly think the ONE WEEK I had my arm in a splint really did nothing in promoting my minor fracture to heal considering I worked the entire time...but anyways lately since I have really been using it my elbow is no longer cooperating and must be bound with an ace bandage. Blasted elbow!

School is going well. If I could get my money back I would drop my Personal Finance class since the professor does not teach, but rather talks about how he "made it". Look it's cool that he is a millionaire and all, but I just want to learn what is in the book....since math is involved I need someone to teach me this accounting math. My other classes though are proving to be challenging in every good way imaginable. Can anyone say 7 to 8 page paper analyzing the movie A Beautiful Mind? SCORE!!!! Seriously this crap is what I came to school for! Challenge me and I will rise to the occasion! Of course is does make for interesting events having Robert there and Kenny as well. Next semester though I need to better plan my schedule....oh AND make sure to get Robert and I into ballroom....hopefully he forgets about me going into fencing....

Lately I have been contemplating my life and where I am at. Yes, that time has come where once a year i really REALLY reflect and often times I get depressed, but this year I am not going to let that happen. Sure I am living at home and I work minimum wage, but at least I have a family who will have me and with this economy I am blessed to have a job of any kind! I have a boyfriend who is amazing and I have friends who get me! What reason do I have to be upset or sad? No dear reader(s) I have no reason to complain. Money is tight and I have some things I have to pay off, but I am doing that to the best of my abilities and I am working on bettering myself. I am living the good old american dream of working hard for a better future! WOO HOO!

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