Saturday, October 2, 2010

I feel like a High Schooler

I was blog stalking and found this cute quiz that I stole from Lacey Sander's blog and decided to put it on mine! Enjoy!

1.) What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

Technically? My finger....I was biting my nails *gasp* but foodwise it was milk and caramel cake that the people at work bought me for my birthday! old cake!

2.)Name someone who made you laugh today?

My sister Erica, she made me laugh when she commented on a well wisher's post on my facebook wall. They wished me an "epic" birthday and Erica said I did....knowing I spent the whole evening in traffic hahaha

3.)How late did you stay up last night and why?

I stayed up until 5am! I was stuck in traffic on my way home from work because of a HUGE accident blocking the two lane highway!

4.) Ever been kissed under the fireworks?

Actually no. I have only really begun (within the last few months) to recieve a kiss on an almost daily basis...somehow we have missed the fireworks opportunity. And besides I think i would want to watch the show...I am too ADD

5.)Which of your friends lives closest to you?

Technically Robert and Zach are both tied hahaha they live like two minutes away from me!

6.) How do you feel about Dr. Pepper?

I used to despise it, but lately I have grown accustomed to it. It still tastes odd though.

7.) When was the last time you cried really hard?

This morning when I got home and called my boss to let him know I had just gotten home after the accident...and he made me come into work..i was emotional and stressed and just bawled until I passed out

8.) Who was the last person you took a picture of?

Myself last night after about three hours of sitting in the same spot in traffic....I was really bored.

9.) Was yesterday better than today?

Believe it or not...I actually enjoyed yesterday more...including the traffic haha

10.)Can you live a day without TV?

I actually have been living without tv for sometime now...well without it on a daily basis

11.)Are you upset about anything?

Not really at this moment.

12.)Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?

Yes actually. My current one is definitely worth it. ;) We have been through a lot already!

13.)Night out or night in?

Night in...night outs are fun, but I rather miss when Robert and I would just watch episodes of Firefly at his house.

14.)What items could you not go without during the day?

My cell phone. When missing I feel it's that limb I am missing or something. I think i need rehab

15.) Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?

My grandma like two years ago when she got her hip replacement surgery.

16.)What does the last text message in your inbox say?

"You offline again, I have to go though so I will see you tomorrow."- Robert Livingston via facebook

17.) Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?

I would only be positive for the drug of pure awesomeness! ...but really I would pass.

18.)What do you miss?

There there aren't many things I do miss...but there are too many people to write down haha

19.) What song is stuck in your head?

Rock Your Body...I was singing it to the puppy when I was petting randomly has been in my head all day.

20.)Someone knocks on your window at 2:00am. Who do you want it to be?

Obviously Robert....but at the same time I kinda want it to be Gerard Butler....bahahahaha

21.) Do you want to have grandkids before your 50?

Well if I have a few kids by the time I am 30 than at 50 they would be in their yeah I am comfortable with the notion of having grandkids than..

22.) Name something you have to do tomorrow?

Ace my sociology exam...which i should be studying for...

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