Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Holy Meteor Shower Batman!

SO I got up this morning in order to run...and I made it to the end of my street when my run turned into a walk. Yeah I pretty much am out of shape hahaha BUT I am proud to say that I did walk, and rather exercisingly for an hour and than i came home. Yeah I am that awesome! I made sure I was getting an excercize and not just puttering around. I am going to be walking every morning and working out every evening. I have a goal and I AM going to reach it!

My mom resigned from her job which means things around here are going to be tight. Which kinda means that right now I can't go to JoAnn's fabrics like I really want to and get supplies. I know that I will be able to..I just have to figure something out before I make that decision. I am asking my mom if it would be easier financially for them if I wasn't living at home, using electiricity and all that. I could move would be tight for me and poor man's living for the most part, but if it helps them out in some small way than I am able to do it. Of course that would mean my plans for moving out of the valley next summer will probably not happen, but whatever I would be out of my parent's house which is one step closer to my goal right? But who knows? My mom says it won't really make a difference so I dout I will be moving out.

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