Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nadia est. 09/30/1989

So on September 30, 1989 yours truly was forcefully pushed into this world by my mother's uteral muscles....but before I bring out the diagram of how birthing works, we will cut to the cahse and explain this year's birthday.
yeah I woke up on my birthday at the crack of noon and was made eggs and toast by my wonderful stepfather Sal. It was delicious and made just how I like it! I than proceeded to do some laundry and than I prepared to go to work where I would be working the closing shift at McDonald's...yeah a fact I was not that please about, but what can you do? So i went to work, where almost everyone there gave me a hug and I was serenaded with a lovely chorus of "Happy Birthday" an dthan we all proceeded to smell the cake that had been bought for me. It was caramely goodness and we couldn't wait to eat it! Well work went pretty fast and was pretty busy, BUT I did manage to be surprised by some friends who stopped by and sang the birthday song to me front of the entire was embarassing but well received. I clocked out and grabbed my cake and headed home...only to stop a few miles outside of Mesquite...traffic was literally stopped. When I rolled up the guy in front of me came over and informed me that he had been there stopped for half an hour already!

People I was in that spot FOR FOUR HOURS! For effing boring hours in which I got to observe drunk men air hump the guard rail, lots of people smoking, and even a trucker peeing! Needless to say I was very stressed out and over emotional when i got home at 5 in the AM when i should have been home by 1 am. Yeah I drove by the spot today and it had only taken me two minutes to get there today as opposed to the four hours yesterday. GAH! I am not really sure what happened, but it involved a big rig (18 wheeler) going over the side of a miniature cliff. Sad Day!

21 Things I have accomplished in 21 years:
1. Basic (and complex) motors functions (walking running etc)
2. Graduated high school and am in college
3. Learned how to drive and bought my own car
4. Lived on my own for a few months (and moved back to mommy hahaha but shh)
5. Earned FOUR varsity letters (Band, Colorguard, Golf, Swim)
6. Traveled out of country (France, Switzerland and Mexico)
7. Witnessed a sunset over an ocean
8. Taken a moonlight stroll with friends
9. Volunteered in an organization I can truly support (Miracle League)
10. Cut my own hair!
11. Performed on a stage and abroad (Thank you Encore! Also i was Zaneeta in the Music Man in middle school)
12. Went camping with just me and one other a tent...with a fractured elbow
13. I Fractured my was a minor fracture but still!
14. Got to say goodbye to my grandfather 5 minutes before he passed.
15. Seen enough of nature's beauty to know there is a God
16. I have found Faith and what it means to have it
17. I have loved and hurt for it, but I have learned what love is
18. I have gone parasailing
19. I have learned that there is ALWAYS something to smile about.
20. I have touched a shark
21. I have learned that I have a whole lot more to learn

21 Things I wish to accomplish in the next 21 years:
1. Get married...any takers ;)
2. Finish school...and work in a career that I went to school for
3. Have kids...not a ridiculous amount...but 5 would do.
4. Go to Ireland...and spend like a month (or longer) there
5. Watch the sunrise and the sunset in the same day.
6. Learn an instrument other than voice
7. Cook more
8. Never get another cavity
9. Keep at a healthy weight in proportion to my height and age (starting...NOW)
10. Never go a day without smiling
11. Better someone else's life by doing something completely selfless and unplanned
12. Learn and drive a motorcycle
13. Get a tattoo
14. Create something (other than a lifeform)
15. Develop superpowers (yes I CAN have that as a goal)
16. Go to Disneyland at LEAST once a year.
17. Maintain a close relationship with my family and friends
18. Finally burn that place to the ground (if you know what I am talking know I will one day!)
19. Live to see this world turn for the better
20. Inspire hope and faith in others
21. Get busy living or get busy dying

That people is all for now. Goodnight!

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