Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wanna Pet My Wookie?

BAHAHAHA Tonight was a Star Wars evening with two of my best friends...ROBERT and ZACH!!! HUZZAH! We watched Episode III at Zach's house and I have to say that even though it has the best duels in it (lightsaber) that Anakin is kinda a bitch the entire time...I mean seriously....he bugs me in this movie, but whatever because he becomes DARTH VADER and we all know Vader kicks serious trash all over that galaxy. It was interesting because before the movie we were discussing who would win...Eragon or Obi Wan. Yeah I know...two different genres...but if you think about it both are pretty badass characters and TECHNICALLY Obi Wan does take down Anakin and is the reason he sounds asthmatic....BUUUUUT Eragon can basically do what Obi Wan can do....and he has a dragon, but whatever he does do it drains him so there is a disadvantage. We all agreed though that it would be an interesting fight.

Yes people this is in fact what my friends and I do...nerdy and probably boring to most...but we have fun and we enjoy it. Most of the time we have perverted conversations, but sometimes we get deep...real deep....*snicker* ANYWAYS it was fun because Zach and I showed up unexpectedly at Robert's house and Zach had this HUGE bag of animal cracker cookies and Robert's dad was giving crap for eating them, but that didn't stop us on our animal cracker massacre. When we got to his house (zach's) his mom was driving up and zach was purposefully walking slow in front of her car and than as she passed he threw animal crackers at her car. It was hilarious and pretty funny because all she heard was them hitting the window and didn't know what it was and when she found out she was like "Don't you go wasting my crackers!" I LOVE Sister Brough!

Overall tonight was pretty genious and I had a blast. We all definitely need to hang out more!

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