Monday, October 11, 2010

Would You Light My Candle?

So on saturday I wore an outfit I wouldn't normally wear to school that consisted of boots, leggings, and a dress/ shirt (one of those you can wear as a SHORT dress or a shirt). I wore over it a nice jacket and that was that. I was pretty selfconscious about it because I normally do not wear clothing that accentuates parts of my body and this showed off my legs and pretty much I felt everything else, but who knows? Anyways i was in class and my group partner was looking at my legs DURING class...just sitting my legs. And at one point I got up to walk to the front to get a paper and the guy behind me said "Lord help me." When I turned around he looked down at his paper quickly...There could be something here people!
OH! and before we headed home Robert and I stopped to get gas and I was walking in to get gas and this moving van is driving up and than they drive ALL THE WAY AROUND THE PUMPS when they could have parked at the pump they first drove up too but noooooo they had to park at the farthest one and watch me walk into the gas station...when I was walking out they were following me with their heads and eyes and I felt kind of violated and awkward. I guess most people would be like "HUZZAH! I am hot!" but I just felt really weird and I kept wondering why I was getting attention. (Helloooooo low sefl esteem!)

Robert was wearing jeans on saturday and I was like "Lord have mercy!" hahaha but of course I said that in my head. The man can wear a pair of jeans....that is all I have to say about that. ;)

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