Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I totally OWNED my Psychology presentation on Saturday. I got an A!!!!! Yeah my group took longer than thirty minutes, but when you are presenting on the entirety on Clinical Psychology you are not going to take just a mere thirty minutes. My part alone had to have been like 15 hahaha I was talking forever about different therapies. Dr. Lopez loved our presentation and had many good things to say about it AAAAAND the only questions asked to my group where directed towards me. SUCK ON THAT!!! I answered them with ease and than BAM we found out we got an A. She even came over to us and congratulated us on doing a good job! The group after us presented on Autism...I was dissapointed by their lack of information beyond risks, causes, and symptoms. Seriously they could have done way way waaaaaaay more with it but nooooooo they didn't. Oh well tis life I suppose. My critique is not going to be pleasant though. I found out I got a B on the history exam i took....not very impressive but I did lack in studying so that is where the problem lies. I probably should study more for these tests because I got a B on my Sociology one too....pfft sick...imagine the grade I would get if I actually studied? HAHAHA

Saturday was the last time I will EVER eat a Large meal at Fatburger. Seriously....Robert and I each ordered one and we were both DYING in my car after..I mean seriously we both were stuffed! But it was worth it's Fatburger and no matter if it killed us last time, we are going to keep going there! We also went to the WEST FEST in Henderson because his friend was running a booth there and we got Vendor passes. It wasn't as impressive as the Clark County Fair, but than again I can't really complain since I got in for free! I got to pan for gold and I actually got to see a machine Robert has worked on for his friend. Also i found out these cheap earrings I bought at the CC Fair like a couple years ago have titanium in them! BAM! hahaha there was this really cool machine and it can tell you what things are made out of! I was very impressed. It was so random because on our way home we stopped at the Home Depot and we saw Oliver's dad! hahaha Raaaaandooooom! It was cool though and pretty epic.

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